Thursday, October 16, 2008


Nothing much to tell. I cannot sit at the computer for long so I probably won't post again until the babies are born... maybe a belly pic. I am on bed rest and am taking medicine for contractions but everything is working fine. On Sunday, I will be 35 weeks along and I will go off the medicines and can move around as much as I want/can. I go to two baby appointments per week and the babies are doing really well and are both head down. WARNING, TMI AHEAD: The last couple of appointments, Dr/Nurse has been able to actually feel Lily's head. They don't think I'll go much longer. I am now a whopping 175 lbs (12.5 stone) and can barely walk because of the weight, puffy feet and legs that turn purple, having 2 heads down very low with one pinching a nerve in my right leg. THANK GOODNESS MUM IS HERE! We are in the home stretch. The bags are packed and Paul is getting a few last-minute necessities as we speak. My WONDERFUL friends are throwing me a shower on Saturday and then, it is just the waiting game. Pray for healthy, happy babies (and that the epidural works well).

Sunday, October 5, 2008

When Will They Be Born?

I've decided to have a little contest of my own. I am 33 weeks along today. Paul's mum is here and there is already a huge difference in the feel of the house... much less chaotic. We are so grateful for her. Soooooo, I could have the babies anytime from today (which we DO NOT really want... well, I'm perfectly ready to be done, but they are not) all the way up until November 10 (that's the longest the docs will let me carry them; 38 weeks). So, just leave a comment with the date you choose. Three are already taken: Oct. 30 is my Mom's b-day, Nov 8 is mine, and Nov 10 is my dad's b-day so we choose those dates... anything else is wide open! Good luck. There will be a surprise for the winner... don't ask what... it's a surprise!